Oil Paintings | Acrylic Paintings |
Oil paint is made up of particles of pigment suspended in a drying oil, and takes much longer to dry relative to other kinds of paint | Acrylic paint is a paint that includes pigment suspended in an acrylic polymer emulsion with an added quality of fast drying |
Linseed oil is the main ingredient that binds oil paint | Water is the main ingredient that binds acrylic paint |
Oil paint is “oil based” | Acrylic paint is “water based.” |
Oils take relatively more time to dry, typically several weeks, depending on the ingredients used. | Acrylic paint remains the choice of those artists who believe in quick results, since only a couple of hours are required for the paint to dry. |
When we use oil paint, we need a solvent such as turpentine to thin the paint and clean up the work space, which has its disadvantages because turpentine has toxic qualities. | Retarders can be added to acrylic paint to slow the drying process, allowing water to be added to make the paint more workable. |
During the passage of time, oil paint can look yellowish and turn brittle and crack | Acrylic is typically more versatile in nature to use for the average artist, although because of its faster drying time, the painter is not able to blend colors or use the wet-in-wet technique available to oil paint. |
Oil Paintings and Acrylic Paintings - Differences
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Oil Paintings and Acrylic Paintings - Differences
Painting is basically a graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface. Here are the differences between Oil Paintings and Acrylic paintings.
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